The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, narrated by the amazing and talented Cherry Jones, is now available on Audible.

We can all agree that these books make up what is possibly the best children’s series ever written, right?

Here’s the thing, though…. I don’t really enjoy reading them aloud. I think it might have something to do with the first time I tried reading them to my girls.

They were all of about 5 and 3 at the time, and as I’ve said before– you’ve got to ease into longer narrative with little ones.

Then I heard Cherry Jones read the entire series.

These are truly some of the very best audiobooks I’ve ever  heard- our family has listened to Cherry Jones read the entire series multiple times. (Even my husband loves listening, and he’s not into audiobooks.)

Until now, the Little House books have only been available on CD. But not anymore! Now you can get them all on Audible, which makes them so much more accessible and convenient.

These books are excellent for all ages. I know that sounds audacious, but just try one and see! Your 3- and 4-year olds will likely listen as rapturously as your teens! It’s kind of miraculous.

Click below to get them:

(All links are affiliate links.)

Farmer Boy (Little House)
Little House in the Big Woods
Little House on the Prairie: Little House, Book 3
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake, Book 5
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie: Little House, Book 7
These Happy Golden Years: Little House, Book 8

No Audible Subscription Necessary

You do know you can get books a la carte from Audible even without an Audible subscription, right?

All you need to do is purchase the audiobooks one-by-one on Amazon. Then you can listen to them anywhere using the free Audible app.

Click those images above to get them.

More Audiobook Deals:

Audiobooks are the best way I know to get more reading in myself when I’m distracted by the myriad duties of motherhood. They’re also a fabulous way to get more read-aloud time in for my kids. 

Finding the best audiobook deals on Audible is kinda my thing– I spend time most every day scouring Audible to find them for you.

Whenever I find them, I share the deals on Instagram and Facebook. If you aren’t following the Read-Aloud Revival there, make sure you do, and I’ll keep you posted on the best audiobook deals on the web.