I am finding it pretty important to guard my inputs lately—to be careful about what I’m letting in, so that I can really show up well for my family.

There’s nothing like a wonderful story—either on the page, on the screen, or through my ears, to brighten my disposition and restore my hope.

Today I wanted to share some of the most nourishing inputs I’ve been enjoying.

I’ll share something to read, something to watch, and something to listen to… first, for you. And then also, with your kids!

Maybe something in here will nourish your soul, and the soul of your family.

For Mama

📖 Something to read:

I’ve recommended it before, but I’m doing it again — just in case you missed it the first time.

I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten so much feedback about a book recommendation for mamas before. The jury is in, and The Last Bookshop in London wins for “most universally loved.”

We’re actually reading it this summer in RAR Premium for our Mama Book Club, and the author, Madeline Martin, will join us for an evening to talk about it!

If you need to be swept away in a well-told tale that leaves you full of hope and light, read it.

👀 Something to watch:

I loved (loved!) the Masterpiece Theater’s production of Around the World in 80 Days. This might be one of those rare times when the show is actually *better* than the book (I’m probably going to make someone mad with that claim 😅)

You can watch it on Amazon Prime (it’s worth the purchase), but I actually streamed it via PBS Passport, which is sort of like a Netflix for Masterpiece Theater programs, and it’s only $5 a month. 🤓

The show is 8 episodes. There’s some violence in a couple of episodes, so I wouldn’t recommend watching this younger kids. Teens will probably enjoy it. (I watched it on my own, as a mama splurge.)

🎧 Something to listen to:

I’ve interviewed Kate DiCamillo a few of times (here and here, for starters), and I listen to her interviews any chance I get.

This newest one with Krista Tippett is one of her best.

Listen for what she says about why we love Charlotte’s Web (and why we read and re-read it, even though Charlotte dies every time).

This is something I know for sure: the world is better because Kate is in it.

(This is about an hour long, so tackle your laundry pile or washing the floors while you listen!)

For the whole family

📖 Something to read:

Something Better Coming is a new picture book about the resurrection that you don’t want to miss.

When your security is shaken and your heart is burdened, take heart. There’s something better coming.

I get goosebumps just typing that. ❤️

This one is perfect to tuck into Easter baskets!

👀 Something to watch:

The littles (ages 10, 8, and 8) and I just finished Season 2 of All Creatures Great and Small, and let me tell you: this series does not disappoint.

I can’t remember enjoying a series with my kids as much as I’ve enjoyed this one. These are James Herriot’s veterinary tales set in the English countryside, and will have you longing for the Yorkshire Dales.

Wholesome, hilarious, and utterly delightful.

This is another series we streamed with a PBS Passport, but that you can also purchase on Amazon Prime.

🎧 Something to listen to:

The kids have a new favorite podcast! It’s Cindy West’s No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, and this is absolutely not to miss.

These short (8-10 min) nature-based podcast episodes are perfect to listen to in the car or during breakfast.

I ask my kids to tell me one thing they don’t want to forget when we’re done, and I’m astonished by how much they are learning in these short, enjoyable bite-size nature lessons. Highly recommended!

Here’s to hoping you find some nourishing inputs to nourish the soul. Happy spring!