You’ve been asking for this list for a long time… and we’re happy to have it ready for you!

You’ve told us that our list of Books Boys Love (that aren’t just books for boys) has helped your boys go from feeling meh about reading to voraciously reading through stacks.

With this new list, we’re hoping to do the same thing for your girls.

Of course, there aren’t really “boy books” vs “girl books,” but at various points in our kids’ lives, it can be difficult to match up our kids with books they love. This often gets even trickier the older our kids get.

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Even if your daughter is happily reading through stacks of books in her younger years, she may suddenly find herself at the age when it feels like she “should” be choosing books from the Young Adult (YA) section of the library or bookstore.

But…have you been to the YA section of your library or bookstore lately?

There are some gems in there, to be sure (and we’ve included several in our list below!), but on the whole…

…if you’re a family that loves the kinds of books we recommend at RAR, you likely struggle to find what you’re looking for on the YA shelves.

That’s because YA is a genre, not a reading level.

I’ll tell you more about what I mean by that soon, but for now suffice it to say: YA books are not a level you need to pass through to get from middle grade novels (like the Chronicles of Narnia or Little House on the Prairie) to adult novels.

They are, rather, a kind of story (usually a coming-of-age story featuring a teenage protagonist, often pushing boundaries of what’s appropriate for young readers). Again, this is not true for all YA books. But it’s true for a whole lot of them.

This can be a real problem for parents who are looking for good, rich, engaging stories for their teen daughters.

In short…

If a quick google search of “books for teen girls” turns up books you’re not excited about handing to your own tween or teen, I bet you’ll feel differently about the list below.

Of course, every girl won’t love every book on this list. But there’s probably something here that will pique her interest!

And remember that these books are not just for girls. Several of these are also on the (newly updated!) Books Boys Love list, and my own teenage son has enjoyed a whole lot of the books on this one.

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