Have you ever been to a homeschool conference?

I attend (and speak at) all five Great Homeschool Conventions each year, and one of my favorite parts about winter is knowing that these conventions are *right* around the corner.

Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler in need of a little dose of inspiration and encouragement (who isn’t, come February?) or you are brand new to home education, I encourage you to join us.

Meeting so many other families who are doing the same thing you are is a powerful boost—especially because your day-in and day-out work in homeschooling is usually done mostly on your own, in your own home.

Join me at any of these Great Homeschool Conventions in 2023:

  • St. Charles, Missouri | March 16-18, 2023
  • Greenville, South Carolina | March 30-April 1, 2023
  • Cincinnati, Ohio | April 13-15, 2023
  • Ontario, California | June 15-17, 2023
  • Round Rock, Texas | July 6-8, 2023

Psssst… use the code READALOUD23 at checkout for $10 off an Individual or Family Registration at any location.

*All New* Workshop Sessions

I’ll be giving three brand new workshop sessions this year at every location. You can attend these sessions live at GHC (and be sure to snag a hug from me, while you’re at it!)

Attendees can also purchase recordings on site while the conference is in session.

Am I Doing Enough?

It’s the question that plagues every homeschooler. Most days we rush about, never quite getting to everything that needs doing. On the rare day when things do go smoothly, we worry that we’re neglecting something important. Peace and contentment elude us. 

How can we know if we’re doing enough in our homeschools? 

In this session, I’ll offer practical help and a clear path for knowing if you’re doing enough.

We’ll learn how to tame persistent worry, so you can take God up on that offer for peace that transcends all understanding. 

How to Homeschool with Babies + Toddlers

Babies and toddlers bring us so much joy, but they also present a unique challenge to the homeschooling day. How can we ever get schoolwork done with the older kids when these babies and toddlers are underfoot?

I had 3 babies aged 1 and under while also homeschooling a 12, 10, and 8 year old… and lived to tell the tale! Now those babies are 9 and 11, the older kids are off to college, and I’m here to give you practical tips and inspiration for these tiring years. 

The reason it feels hard, Mama, is because it is hard. But there is a way to do it well, and with joy.

If you need a strategy (and maybe a little spring in your step) for homeschooling with babies and toddlers underfoot, this is the session for you. 

Helping your Differently Wired Kids Fall in Love with Reading

Are you facing reading challenges in your homeschool? When your kids are differently wired, helping them become thriving and voracious readers doesn’t always go according to plan.

On one hand, gifted/twice exceptional students often read widely and fast—making it difficult to keep them in books that match their social and emotional maturity.

On the other hand, students who struggle or with dyslexia may say they hate reading, causing you to worry that they’ll ever fall in love with books.

In this session, you’ll get practical tips and specific book recommendations from Colleen Kessler and me to help your differently-wired kids become readers for life.

Use the code READALOUD23 at checkout for $10 off an Individual or Family Registration at any location.