At the start of a new school year, we’re all full of hopes for a year that means something. We want our kids to encounter big ideas, learn new skills, read wonderful books, and come out the other side of the school year richer than they were going in.

That’s why infusing your home with 3 C’s—Connection, Community, and Confidence, can be such a game-changer for family’s school year.

When we feel to connected to our kids, supported by a community, and confident to teach from rest and lead our children well…

… that’s when we have a school year that means something.

A good school year is about our kids’ relationship with learning, and our kids’ relationship with us and with one another.

Which brings me to an invitation I have for you today—an invitation to make those 3 C’s the heart of your homeschool year year through Read-Aloud Revival Premium Membership.

Read this post or listen to the podcast episode of this post by clicking the play button below.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • how membership can replace your literature program – really!
  • how to get your kids to seek out the very best books without pushing or forcing
  • how to fill yourself up this year, so that you can better give back to your kids

Click the play button below:

We know that relationships with your kids matter more than anything else.

That’s why, in Read-Aloud Revival Premium, we focus on giving you a regular dose of connection, community, and confidence:

Connection: Family Book Clubs and Author Access

Every month in RAR Premium, we have a Family Book Club. This means your whole family can enjoy stories together read-aloud or on audio, share experiences around that book, and then engage in meaningful conversations about the book and its ideas.

We call it Book Club because it’s better than any literature class you’ve ever taken… and it’s a million times better than having your kids do comprehension worksheets or book reports or quizzes.

Our Family Book Club is unlike any other because we invite the author or illustrator to join us in Premium for a live video stream, so your kids can ask questions and they get them answered. We call it Author Access, and it’s how your kids can form a personal connection with both the author and the book.

What we hear from members after these events is that the next time they’re at the library their kids run to the section to find more books by that author or illustrator because they feel like they’re seeking out books written by a friend.

They have a completely different personal connection with the author, the illustrator, and the work than they’ve ever had before.

Community: Member Forum and Local Groups

Our members tell us that the Read-Aloud Revival Premium forum is easily the most resourceful, helpful, and encouraging place for homeschooling place on the internet. Just dip into our forum for a hot minute and you’ll find out why.

If you really want to fall back in love with homeschooling, the Read-Aloud Revival Premium member forum should be first stop after you join.

We even have local groups, so you can connect with other members who live near you:

One of our members, Stephanie, just mentioned that the RAR Premium Forum is “the most wonderfully curated collection of families on the planet.”

I bet you’ll agree.

Confidence: Master Classes, Mama Book Clubs, and Whole-Family Workshops

This fall in Premium members are going to get two new Master Classes:

  • Creating a Book Club Culture at Home
  • Loving Your Life as a Homeschooling Mom

These classes are like professional development for homeschooling moms.

And when you join you get access to everything we’ve done before.

You know the best way to learn how to engage in the Great Conversation with your kids is to participate in it yourself, right?

As a community, we cultivate our own intellectual lives and model the reading life for our kids through our Mama Book Club. This is a fabulous way to build confidence in your own ability to read and talk about books with your kids.

Another way we build confidence— this time in your kids, is by regularly inviting professional writers and illustrators to teach their craft to our kids– and boy, are these fun!

Here’s what’s coming for your young writers and artists this fall:

Are you short on time?

Yeah, me too. That’s why in Premium Membership we really focus on helping you spend your time where it matters most…

… because we know that the best use of your time is any time you’re pouring into your kids, connecting with your kids, and teaching from a state of rest, and we want you to fall back in love with homeschooling.

We want you to have a peaceful, restful school year that also helps you do the things that matter most and helps your kids fall more in love with books, encounter big ideas, have big meaty discussions, and read, and connect with each other.

If you don’t want to let another school year get away from you…

If you want to delight in your kids in teaching them this year…

If you’re feeling tired or burned out or stretched too thin…

I encourage you to join Read-Aloud Revival Premium Membership to focus on what matters most to your family; to teach from rest, and to make those meaningful and lasting connections with your kids through books.