I don’t know about you, but I want to make some really awesome memories with my kids this summer.

I don’t want the whole season to pass in a whirlwind of swimming lessons, camping trips, and sticky popsicle juice without getting a chance to look into my kids’ eyes, get to know them  better, and have some great conversations.

If that’s you too, then this episode of the podcast is for you. We’re talking about three simple steps you can use to connect with your kids this summer in a meaningful and memorable way.

No matter what ages your kids are, let’s make a fantastic reading summer.

Click the play button below:

Step 1: Choose a single novel to read this summer

You don’t have to read a pile of books to have a great reading summer. Just choose one single book and then try to read a chapter most days.

If you’d like, pick up a copy of The Trumpet of the Swan and then download my FREE Family Book Club Guide–you can use it with kids of all ages, and you’ll be in good company when you join us!

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Step 2: Peg your read-aloud time

See if you can simply tack your read-aloud session onto something else that is already happening each day. A meal, for instance. If you don’t have to work up the gumption to decide to read aloud, you’ll find yourself doing it more often.

Also, you don’t have to read aloud with your kids every single day to make a difference. Just aim for every other day, and see what kind of difference it makes.

Step 3: Talk about the books you’re reading

Get in the habit of asking your kids, “Who was the most ____ in this story?” (fill that ____ with any character trait).

This doesn’t need to be a sit-down ordeal. Just ask this question casually as you lather your kids up in sunscreen, hand them a popsicle as they run out the door, or when you’re in the car.

The key is to focus on asking questions (and don’t worry too much if the answers you get aren’t especially profound).

These three steps will make a huge difference in your child’s love of reading, in his or her enthusiasm about books, and in your own relationships within your home.

If you want to hear more tips and ideas for each of the three steps, make sure you listen to this episode of the podcast– because all the juicy stuff is in there! Just click the “play” button toward the top of this post.

Read-Aloud Revival Premium Membership is open to new members!

RAR Premium is the best way I know to make meaningful and lasting connections with your kids. We help you connect your kids with authors and with their own imagination, get confident in your homeschool, and tap into an amazing community of others who are doing the same.

I’m willing to bet that if you even dip a toe into membership this summer, your kids and you will make some of your favorite summer memories around books shared together.

And that? That will be a summer neither of you will forget.

Click here for all the details and to join us.