Watch world renowned playwright Ken Ludwig (author of How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare) and Read-Aloud Revival host Sarah Mackenzie in a FREE video class.

Find out why Shakespeare is foundational to a great education, and the simplest way to get started (even if you aren’t familiar with much of Shakespeare’s work yourself!).

You’ll walk away knowing just what to do first, and how simple and delightful it can be to introduce your kids of all ages to Shakespeare.

We’ll answer questions like:

  • Why should I teach Shakespeare when there’s so much else to do in my school day?
  • What play should I start with?
  • What’s the simplest way to begin?
  • What if I have no prior knowledge of Shakespeare?
  • What do I do if I don’t know what something in a Shakespeare play means?

Watch it now:

Get the book

Visit the website is where you can find those printable passages and audio clips that I showed you in the video.