Sweet Home Alaska

AUTHOR: Carole Estby Dagg
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 I loved this book. It’s like The Year of Miss Agnes meets Little House on the Prairie.

I’m a big audiobook fan, but I didn’t enjoy the audio version of this one. I thought the narrator made the main character sound a little whiny. And… well… maybe it’s because I’m a mother, but I didn’t need that much whining in my ear 😅. When I switched to reading the book with my eyes, I didn’t think the main character seemed whiny at all. Your mileage may vary.


It's 1934, and times are tough for Trip's family after the mill in their small Wisconsin town closes, leaving her father unemployed. Determined to provide for his family, he moves them all to Alaska to become pioneers as part of President Roosevelt's Palmer Colony project. 

Trip and her family are settling in, except her mom, who balks at the lack of civilization. But Trip feels like she's following in Laura Ingalls Wilder's footsteps, and she hatches a plan to raise enough money for a piano to convince her musical mother that Alaska is a wonderful and cultured home. 

Her sights set on the cash prize at the upcoming Palmer Colony Fair, but can Trip grow the largest pumpkin possible--using all the love, energy, and Farmer Boy expertise she can muster?

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