Lola Dutch is a little bit … much. And yet, she’s also like so many of us. I think you’re just going to love her! Today, I’m thrilled to be joined by Lola Dutch creators Kenneth and Sarah Jane Wright.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • How Lola came to be
  • Why so many of us seem to identify with her
  • What this book means for instilling creative courage in our kids

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Listener Guide

Use the time stamps below to skip to any part of the podcast:

  • 2:16 Don’t miss this dust jacket
  • 6:32 Meet the Wrights
  • 8:58 Collaborating on Lola
  • 10:56 Lola’s companions
  • 13:15 Giving kids creative courage
  • 14:44 A series!
  • 19:16 First experiences
  • 20:33 The process of making a book
  • 24:17 Naming Lola
  • 25:46 Julia Child
  • 27:28 Book surprises
  • 31:15 Let the kids speak

Quotes to remember:

“Kids, when they’re small, tend to just want to try new things. If parents just get out of the way and give them the encouragement, they’ll do that of their own volition. We notice that as they get a little older, some kids lose a little bit of that drive, so Lola Dutch, in some ways, was made to give encouragement and a pat on the back to the kids that are still enthusiastic, still on fire, and still curious about the world.

When you create from a real, authentic, honest place, that’s usually when you’re going to get the most universal appeal, and that’s the irony— you feel like you’re creating something so specific … I was surprised by how many people said, ‘I’m Lola Dutch,’ because when we wrote it I was Lola Dutch, you know?”

We all feel a little more like each other and it’s always helpful for us to find familiar and similar things in each other because it helps us love each other a little more.

Books from this episode:

(All links are affiliate links.)

Julia, Child
Lola Dutch