We need a drumroll today, because on the podcast we’re revealing all of our autumn picks for RAR Premium.

I’m also answering podcast listener Corrie’s question about how to preserve her son’s love of reading.

It’s easy to slip into schooly habits that kill our kids’ love of reading– so how can we help preserve our children’s love of reading even after the school year starts?

Here’s a quick video preview (scroll down for the full podcast episode):

Listen in to the podcast episode:

RAR Premium is where we help your kids fall in love with books, and we help you fall in love with homeschooling. Scroll down to find out how.

Looking for the printable calendar? Click the image below for the instant download:


Our family book clubs are created specifically for families to use together– regardless of your kids’ ages. Members receive monthly:

  • Downloadable Family Book Club Guides
  • “Looking Closely” videos from me (where I invite your kids to look for specific things as they read)
  • Exclusive live video interviews with the author/illustrator of that month’s book pick.

There’s nothing else like it!

Upcoming Family Book Clubs:


Our wildly popular workshop series, WOW: Writers on Writing, is here to stay! We heard you loud and clear– you want us to keep offering your kids these short, inspiring, and incredibly useful workshops that focus on one writing skill at a time.

The best part? They’re taught by some of today’s best children’s book authors.

Each Workshop will come with a WOW Guide so that you can use the workshops either as a once-a-month quick dip, or as a once-a-week deep dive to really master the skill being taught.

Upcoming WOW Workshops:

Best for ages 9 12
Best for ages 7 16
Best for ages 8+


Monthly classes with me (we call them Circle with Sarah) that help you take the small, simple, important steps toward falling more in love with your homeschool.

These live monthly classes have been called “alone the price of Premium”, “the best thing I’ve ever done for my homeschool” and “my favorite day all month” by our members…

… so if you’d like to enjoy your homeschool this coming year, I suggest you join us!

Upcoming topics:

And of course, as soon as you join Premium, you have access to all of our previous classes in our “For Mamas” library. (See what’s in the library here➝)


This season, we’re reading Donalyn Miller’s The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child. We’ll be translating her classroom-based ideas into our homeschools, and I can’t wait. I love this book and have it all marked up and ready for another read!

Everything in Premium is recorded (and all replays contain closed captions) so your family can participate at a time that’s best for your schedule.

RAR Premium does what we think all the best curriculum does– it helps you connect with your kids, and it makes your job easier, not harder.

Ready to join us? I hope so.

This school year, let us help your kids fall in love with books, and help you fall in love with homeschooling.