It’s official: I’ve got my first college graduate. 👩‍🎓🎉

In the fall, she’s headed off to graduate school in Europe (😍). I’m a proud mama.

Wouldn’t brand-new-to-homeschooling-younger-me have loved to know that this day would come?

That even with all the mistakes and mishaps along the way, all the times I . . .

  • worried too much . . .
  • planned too much . . .
  • failed too much . . .
  • tried too hard . . .

Shoot, even when the older kids were 12, 10, and 8, and I had three more babies all under age 2, and we didn’t do a whole lot of actual school . . .

. . . it would all add up.

I would have loved to know that this child would graduate from our homeschool, thrive at university, travel the world with her gigantic heart for missions, graduate Magna Cum Laude, and jet-set off to graduate school in Scotland.

I wish my younger self could have gotten just a teeny tiny peek. I would have worried less.

Sarah's family

Except . . .

Maybe I also wouldn’t have hit my knees as much?

Or would have been tempted to take credit for the way God took my meager and inadequate efforts in our homeschool year after year after year and made them enough?

I bet that’s true.

Anyway, we’re still at it, my husband and I. With three homeschool graduates and three still at home, we’re still IN IT.

And here’s what I know after a couple decades of this lifestyle:

Being pulled in too many directions sucks the joy right out of homeschooling.

If I could go back in time, I’d tell myself to stop worrying about things that don’t matter all that much—like how old a child is when he/she learns to read, which spelling book to choose, or which math curriculum is best.

This is what I’d tell my younger self:

  1. Do fewer things . . .
  2. as consistently as you’re able . . .
  3. putting relationships first

That’s it.

Because the key to a successful homeschool is a peace-filled, joyful mama.

Sarah's family, splashing

And since I can’t turn back the clock and say it all to my younger self, I want to show you how those three things are key to becoming the peace-filled joyful mama you’re called to be.

I’m doing just that on August 2-3, 2024.

The Retreat is called Focus & Align and will happen on Zoom inside RAR Premium.

That means you can attend from wherever you already are, with whatever else you already have on your plate.

All you need to do to attend is ​get RAR Premium​.

You ALSO get:

  • A private podcast every Monday morning during the school year, where I help you start each homeschooling week keeping what matters most in the top of your mind
  • A monthly live Zoom (we call it “Circle with Sarah Live”) to be mentored while you’re in the thick of it all
  • Recordings of all previous Circle with Sarah sessions so you can get the boost you need right when you need it

Circle with Sarah is the homeschool mentoring program committed to helping you become the peace-filled, joyful mama you’re meant to be.

I want to help you fall in love with the homeschooling life you already have.

P. S. I’m not speaking at any homeschool conferences from now through the end of 2025. Instead, I’m making myself available to you over the next year at Circle with Sarah inside RAR Premium. That way, no matter where you live, or whether getting to a conference is feasible in your current season of life, you can get what you need to be the peace-filled, joyful mama you’re called to be.

Join me in RAR Premium for Circle with Sarah.